Meet Today's Flowers Buyer...
Consumer Attitudes About Buying, Giving, and Receiving Flowers
Ever really thought about how flowers make you feel? Or, where you buy flowers and why? What makes a great local or online florist? Here's what others have to say.
A Memorable Gift with an Emotional Boost:
92% of women remember the last time they received flowers.
88% of survey respondents say a gift of flowers changes their mood for the better.
83% say they like to receive flowers unexpectedly.
86% say receiving flowers makes them feel special.
99% say that a person who gives flowers is thoughtful.
89% believe the giver is sophisticated.
The Most Popular Flower Gifts:
Within the previous year, survey participants reported that they bought the following floral gifts:
99% flowering plant
88% floral arrangement
88% loose or bunched flowers
16% outdoor bedding or garden plant
14% mix of green and flowering plants in a basket or dish garden
Men and Women:
Men spend more on floral gifts. More men than women buy roses and larger flower arrangements.
Women buy a wider range of flowers and floral gifts, often at lower cost.
Young consumers under the age of 35 favor inexpensive bunched or loose flowers as gifts.
Florists Most Popular Flower Source:
Local florists are the venue frequented most often by consumers. 91% bought floral gifts from a florist within the last year, and 63% bought fresh flowers as gifts "most often" from a local florist compared to other outlets.
Respondants reported product quality, service, and value as the key benefits of purchasing from florist shops.
43% shop for flowers as gifts at supermarkets, citing convenience and savings as key reasons.
59% purchased flowering plants at a nursery or garden shop.
Online Flowers Purchases:
Those who buy flowers from online floral services are still predominantly male and generally more affluent.
Flower buyers say the benefits of online services include the ease and convenience of 24/7 shopping, the ability to see a "catalog" of options and prices, and the availability of harder to find flowers.
What Matters Most:
Consumers consider these factors important when choosing where to buy flowers:
Flower quality and freshness (93%)
Product guarantee (88%)
Convenience and ease of ordering (83%)
Value for money (77%)
Delivery service, including same-day (77%)
Advice and recommendations (69%)
Professional design (67%)
Broad range of products / arrangements (67%)
Source: SAF Consumer Attitudes and Behavior Study about Floral Purchasing, consisting of four focus groups of floral consumers segmented by age and a nationwide telephone survey of consumers ages 25-55 who purchased floral gifts at least twice within the past year.